OUR FUTURE Historically Catholic Churches and parishes have welcomed new members and families in celebrating their Catholic faith. Different languages and cultures bring with them practices and celebrations that are different but yet worship the same God, celebrate the same sacraments. In this Catholic community of Clarksville we worship the same God though language and customs may differ. Sharing diversity of language and culture has not always been easy or without problems but overall, differences are less pronounced while that which unites us has grown stronger.
Today children of both cultures attend religious education classes. Adults of both cultures working together to bring the faith to our youth is one example of what unites and inspires us to improve as a Catholic community. The facilities we enjoy are the result of the sacrifices and hard work of our ancestors. It is because of their hard work and sacrifices of time, talent and money we are blessed. But with any growth we are faced with the need to improve or add to current facilities.
Three years ago Holy Redeemer began a journey to improve our facilities so that this community could respond better to the educational and social needs of our parish. Families and households were asked to help with the campaign to build needed classrooms and parish center by pledging to contribute monthly for five years to complete the project. At the mid-point of the campaign almost half of the money needed to begin construction has been either collected or pledged. How much is still needed? Another $400,000.00 is needed. The building committee standing here with me has reached an agreement with the Catholic Extension Society with the approval of the Bishop where, for every two new dollars our parish collects the Society will grant—give—the parish one dollar up to $50,000.00. The deadline for this is next March of 2018. Each family or household is asked to help by pledging monthly to the campaign. Some have already pledged. These are encouraged to continue their monthly contribution. Our fellow parishioners who are the building committee are making the following requests:
If families have been contributing cash to the building fund the committee encourages them to make a pledge so that construction can begin sooner. Once the pledge card is returned, you will receive envelopes to begin making contributions.
For those families or households who have not made a pledge, the committee is asking they prayerfully and seriously consider completing a pledge card for 2 ½ years and returning it to the parish office or rectory. Pledge cards are attached to this week’s bulletin.
Families or households who gave an initial pledge are encouraged to fulfill the pledge they made. If you are able and willing, increasing the monthly pledge for the duration of the pledge would be a boost to reaching the goal.
Forms to make your pledge have been attached to this week’s bulletin. Envelopes will be mailed to families to be used to make monthly contributions. You are asked to take the forms home, discuss what you can contribute, complete the form and drop it in the collection basket next Sunday, Palm Sunday. Once the parish receives the forms envelopes will be mailed to the family or household. Please be assured that your name and address will not be shared with anyone outside the parish offices.
If we all work together the drawings of the new building hanging in the hallway will become a reality. God bless you for your willingness to sacrifice for our children and parish today so that all of us and those that join in the future will benefit from our sacrifices.